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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Germany, recent contacts


On Thu, Apr 29, 2004 at 12:24:48AM +0200, Martin Neitzel wrote:
> \m> Germany has passed the bill last month.  Individuals are not allowed
> \m> to take legal actions based on this bill against spammers, as there is
> \m> fear the German courts will not be able to handle the load, so spam is
> \m> only banned for violation of competition rules.
> I assume you are referring to the revised UWG (``law against unfair
> competition'') ?

> What's your source for your ``as there is fear the German courts will
> not be able to handle the load''?

Computerwoche, the last 7 days or so. The story made the first page.

> I know my local IHK have a pretty good judgement about their clue level.
> They certainly know what spam is but I'd be *very* surprised if they'd
> know the next step of action if I'd visit them with a spam complaint
> tomorrow.

Correct. We once tried with FAX spam, and the results were appaling.

There's some new initiative at the BMWA right now. Maybe if some
of the germans on the list called Mr. Stefan Altmeppen,
stefan.altmeppen@localhost, 01888/6154309, he's planning to do
a workshop on that topic in June (rejoice, they're *so* swift 8-}.

If we can somehow get the "We are ECO, you will be assimilated" effect
tuned down, there might even be some result.

MfG/Best regards, Kurt Jaeger                                  16 years to go !
LF.net GmbH        fon +49 711 90074-23  pi@localhost  
Ruppmannstr. 27    fax +49 711 90074-33
D-70565 Stuttgart  mob +49 171 3101372

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