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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Spamhaus & ".mail" TLD

On Thu, Apr 01, 2004 at 03:32:06PM +0100, Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions wrote:
> That works on the premise that *everybody* would register and use the TLD.
> My understanding of the $2000 fee is too dissuade spammers and other
> disreputable users from abusing the "trusted" element that this TLD could
> offer.

What exactly is the "trust"? In the moment all I can see is a financial
information "subdomain owner has paid 2000 USD".
And I'd like to see a statement what will be done with the money.

They want to register .mail and have "the full email community" use it.
They want to have the .mail TLD domain and do a lot of argumentation in
their FAQ (http://www.spamhaus.org/tld/faq.lasso) why it has to be a
new TLD and cannot be done with an existing one.

"Since the domain can be revoked due to spamming"
This is the main point and I can find nowhere in the FAQ how they will
handle this. This is IMHO more important than the TLD thingy or the
I want to see a exact definiton of their terms and methods and how they
plan to monitor abuse.

I could have 20 friends all over the world (or even I could do it myself
with some (free-)mail accounts fake eMails and Received headers and
complain to them that we received spam from postboy.ripe.net.
Now ... what will happen?


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