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[anti-spam-wg@localhost] Re: Operation 'Secure Your Server'

  Yes, got one myself ;-)

  The whole thing has a set of flaws (from my humble point of view):

  - the subject line does not include the IP-Address or any other system
    ident but inside the body the address is enclosed by 2 different pairs
    of quotes :-)

  - 90% of the text is irrelevant as an alert, so most receivers will
    simply discard it due to the length? The relevant IP address info does
    not stand out in any way from the rest of the wallpaper.

  - the web site which is ref'd doesn't have anything useful, other than a
    link to a different site (with a disclaimer!), and with a health
    warning about the site doing usage tracking. So much for privacy in
    the US

  I hit "delete".
  Wilfried Woeber                 : e-mail: Woeber@localhost
  UniVie Computer Center - ACOnet : Tel: +43 1 4277 - 140 33
  Universitaetsstrasse 7          : Fax: +43 1 4277 - 9 140
  A-1010 Vienna, Austria, Europe  : RIPE-DB: WW144, PGP keyID 0xF0ACB369

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