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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Solution to Spam

At 11:50a +0200 06/26/2003, Martin Neitzel didst inscribe upon an electronic papyrus:

 > It's nice if hotmail is implementing this and not accepting e-mail from
 > the rest of the world anymore.  NO SPAM.

Well, as long as MSN forces footers such as the following:

 > _________________________________________________________________
 > Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*
 > http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail

onto its users, they are still a far cry away from preventing spam.

						SCNR, Martin Neitzel
Quite true, quite true. Even before your message, I was going to remark that those MS Hotmail footers are, in fact, spam. Minimalist, but still spam.

I also consider any HTML mail as tantamount to spam, because it is Unsolicited Bulk [in] Email. (That, plus 99.9% of it comes from spammers.) Any vendor who sends me HTML mail loses my business forever. Instant permanent boycott.

As to the challenge/response using graphics, Network Solutions just added that crap to their whois database. So I gave it a few seconds of thought and wrote to them suggesting a mathematical word problem; it would require real artificial intelligence for a machine to do the math, and any spammer capable of such programming should be winning a Nobel prize.

Walter Ian Kaye, Menlo Park, CA, USA | Macintosh Scripter, Web Developer,
http://www.natural-innovations.com/ | Guitarist, Songwriter, Actor, and
| Whole Grain Baker
(()) ascii ribbon campaign:
XX just say no to HTML/RTF in email and usenet
//\\ and no to Web sites that do not fully support Lynx

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