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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Spamhaus Block List (was Re: Childrenof ORBS)

On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 22:44, Fr Neil McNicholas wrote:
>   I have complain to them, about them, and reported them.  It makes no
> difference - still  their advertising spam arrives.

As you're in the UK, and ebuyer is a UK company, I believe that they are
obliged to remove you from their mailing list if you request, if not
under UK legislation, then under EC directives.

I don't know what the procedure for this is in the UK.  In Ireland, the
formal procedure is simply to post a letter to the perpetrator asking to
be removed from the list.  They have 40 days to comply, and if they
don't, the office of the Data Protection Commissioner is generally very
helpful about chasing people up like this (we have a pit-bull terrier
Data Protection Commissioner at the moment, who has even threatened the
cabinet with high court proceedings over DP legislation).

I presume that you can do something like this in the UK.


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