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[anti-spam-wg@localhost] [anti-spam-wg@localhost] help spam

In reply to Dewole Ajao,

We have the same sort of problem. We have many cyber-cafe's connected
through us (we are a Satellite ISP) and a lot of abuse comes from these
sites. We already blocked all port 25 to stop this, but they've started up
again using web mail services. My opinion is that a lot of these web mail
services do nothing to prevent spam (eg. hotmail is not often a problem for
us), and because they put in the headers 'originating IP' they send the
blame back to me!

We have a short list of IP's of some of these web mail sites that we now
block in addition to port 25. However, this is always reactive. and I'd like
to be more proactive in stopping the abuse. Can anyone post a list of IP's I
should block, post a link to a list, or are there any better solutions?


Dave Bell

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