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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Contacts

bOn Mon, 3 Feb 2003 14:46:22 +0100, leo vegoda wrote:

>Who will investigate and admonish? What legal authority will they have?
>Who will give them this authority? In which jurisdictions will the
>authority be valid?

The universal rule proposed is that anyone controlling Internet 
Resources (as defined, I welcome improvements) is responsible for
preventing their abuse and sanctioning those who abuse by withdrawal
of the resources.  (Same principle as "If you damage the car again
I am taking away the keys".)  The issue of legal authority does not
arise except in the sense that no one is permitted to commit torts.
Anyone who commits a tort must suffer a sanction.  We apply to the
Internet the same rule that exists in society at large.  

Please read the (early) draft proposal at

and offer comments for improvement.  

No need to comment "this is going to be a burden on (fill in name)" as
that is the point: to move the burden from the victims to the
perps and their enablers.

Jeffrey Race

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