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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Contacts

> What I *do* want is for providers to kick spammers off promptly,

In other words:  what you want is that the RIPE memmbers and all their
customers have a common AUP which is binding and enforcable up to the
point that somebody gets cut off.

As far as I know, the RIPE community doesn't have a common binding AUP.  

There is the RIPE-206 "Good Practice" document which tries to
address spam/ube which _does_ try to push an anti-spam AUP down into
contracts with the end users (aka customers):


This document has a lot of "MUST"s but

(a) RIPE-206 doesn't list what shall be done with ISPs ignoring the MUSTs,
(b) the RIPE doesn't enforce it upon LIRs/ISPs (via membership
(c) the RIPE doesn't enforce RIPE-206 upon end users, in particular not
    via RIPE-219 (address space assignment).

Does the ARIN realm have a binding "trickle-down-AUP"?

						Martin Neitzel

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