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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Interesting.

In article <200301291533.QAA05847@localhost>, eluyten@localhost
>Which brings me to the question whether, given spammers' bending of the
>RFC/BCP guidelines in order to force their junk through other peoples'
>throats, is it acceptable to adopt a similar (but non-RFC-violating)
>approach to defeat them or to minimise their impact ?

Whatever you do, the spammers will mutate and evolve their techniques to
get around it.
             Roland Perry | tel: +44 20 7645 3505 | roland@localhost
Director of Public Policy | fax: +44 20 7645 3529 | http://www.linx.net
 London Internet Exchange | mbl: +44 7909 68 0005 |       /contact/roland

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