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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Contacts

On Wed, 29 Jan 2003, Dr. Jeffrey Race wrote:

> Anyway this process is intended to put a stop to the kind of nonsense
> we now encounter with spam-enablers like this:
>  was unable to deliver to the intended recipient(s):
>  postmaster "(2), ErrMsg=mail box space not enough, account=postmaster "
> in which case you get a bounce that there is a mailbox but it
> is not operational due to negligence by the miscreant RIR registrant.
> Such people would have their IP address space withdrawn until they
> can behave like responsible adults.

First, there is a reasno why we have the rule of thumb that says "Be
liberal in what you accept, strict in what you send". It generally
tries to make things a better place. By breaking this, you're in effect
breaking the founding principe of the net. You will break it.

Second, how long do you think it will take me to remove your address
space from the net?

Third, how many lawsuits do you think any RIR can financially take?
And do you think it's successor will handle in as good faith as the
RIR's now?

> An MUA which fails to deliver messages is not operational in any
> reasonable sense of the word

And shooting them off the net is not the solution cowboy :)

God devised pigeons as a means of punishment for man. Probably after
the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrha he wanted to make sure that people
would never again feel comfortable enough in a city to repeat the sins
committed there, and he created the pigeons as a means to make the city
dwellers' lives more miserable, as a constant reminder of their past sins.

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