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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Contacts


> In regard to the lowering of assignment window(s), I do not understand what
> that means. 

Basically, we operate on a system of teach/learn. When you receive your
first allocation from us, your assignment window is 0.

Each assignment you make to your customers from then on must be approved by
us, as we see the quality of your assignments increase, we increase your
assignment window.

So, for example if your assignment window is a /26, anything above a /26
that you assign to your customers must be approved by the RIPE NCC
Hostmasters, anything below that can be issued without prior approval.

If you don't adhere to the assignment window, this will be taken note of
when you come to apply for more IP space and you cannot produce approvals
for the assignments.

I hope that helps explain our assignment window proceedure. However, I am
not sure if the other 3 RIRs implement this or similar.

You can also find it explain in Section 7 of our handbook:



Mally Mclane
RIPE NCC - Operations

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