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[anti-spam-wg@localhost] Anti-spam WG agenda RIPE 44

Draft agenda.
We have two sessions on Tuesday afternoon 28 Jan;
Routing and DNS WGs meet at the same times.

I suggest we divide the time into informing (before coffee
break) and making things (after coffee break).

Please suggest changes or additional agenda items.

Rodney Tillotson
+44 1235 822 255.

Anti-spam WG agenda for RIPE 44, Amsterdam January 2003.


First session, 1400: informational

A    Administrative Matters
     A1   Scribe
     A2   List of participants
     A3   Agenda
     A4   Minutes
     A5   Alternative WG chair
B    Update
     B1   Recent list discussion
     B2   Developments in UBE
*              DNS abuse (Sabri Berisha)
               Regional distribution of sources
     B3   Developments in anti-spam
     B4   Products

C    Technical measures
     C1   Filtering
               Bayesian filters

D    Interactions
     D1   Marketers
     D2   Other ISPs
     D3   Bulk mailers
     D4   RIRs

Z    Agenda for RIPE 45
     Opportunity for suggestions
     (will be decided in second session)


Second session, 1600: work items

A    Administrative Matters
     Review only (dealt with in first session)

E    Advice
     E1   Update RIPE-206 (Rodney Tillotson)
*              Services supporting UBE
     E2   opt-IN lists (work item)
     E3   Reporting UBE
*              Standard format for reports (Rodney Tillotson)

X    AOB

Y    Future tasks

Z    Agenda for RIPE 45


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