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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Contacts

On 20 Jan 2003 13:47:45 +0000, Nick Hilliard wrote:

>Aha, the nub of the issue: "imperative coordination".

Yes, good old Max W.

>What you're asking for is for RIPE to carry a big stick, and that it be
>both threatened and wielded.  RIPE isn't the army: it's co-operative
>organisation.  Your proposals would kill this co-operation and
>ultimately RIPE.

Cooperation (that feel-good sense from the dawn of the internet)
has failed completely.

There is no point to say "Oh there are problems with that 
implementation so we can't do it".   Every implementation has

If you have a superior suggestion, please offer it. 

I am sincerely keen to improve my proposal with constructive
suggestions.  Please send to the list.  I am not willing to
accept counsels of despair without constructive alternatives.
Something has to be done.  My proposal will solve the problem.
If you have a better one, please tell us.

Jeffrey Race

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