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Re: [anti-spam-wg@localhost] Contacts

On Sat, 18 Jan 2003 01:17:51 -0500 (EST), der Mouse wrote:
>Presumably _somewhere_ at RIPE there is _someone_ to whom such things
>should be addressed; like any assigning authority, RIPE has
>responsibility concomitant with its authority, in particular to make
>sure its assignees behave themselves - such as by maintaining correct
>contact info.  It seems to be difficult to find whom to report such
>outdated contacts to - but I'm going to exhaust all the leads I can
>find at RIPE before going upstairs about this.  I don't like to kick it
>even far up as RIPE (I wouldn't except that the invalid contact
>addresses in question are direct RIPE assignees) and I really don't
>want to have to go even further.b

Dear Mouse,

Yvette is very sweet and she has also sent me many kiss-off messages.
Basically RIPE administration is just doing the minimal amount to
collect their pensions.  No leadership, no concern about fraud or
negligence in the database.

I am working on a solution and welcome comment on an early draft
visible at <www.camblab.com/misc/univ_std.txt>

Jeffrey Race

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