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Re: crippling mail archives

Mally Mclane wrote:
hi dave,

The NCC is currently evaluating a new mail system, from the mta right
through to the maillist manager. The 3 choices we are looking at are:

* mailman
* ecartis
* sympa
Sympa provide various protection agaings email sniffer robot :
- web archive access restricted to some users (in most
case list subscribers authenticated with a password or
using personnal X509 cert / https )

- require a cookie for any access in web archive because
email sniffer robot do not manage cookies.

- (CVS version only) use a javascript to carry email and
mailto without any "@" or "AT" string

Old archives can be rebuilded later to change html
introducing new tips for protection (exemple replacing
'@localhost by <img src="arobase.jpeg">)

Of course Sympa archive includes search engine, attachement
extraction, disk quota configuration and so on. In addition, authenticated users can remove their own emails from the
archive (list owners can remove any mail).

Serge Aumont

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