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Re: introducing PolSpam

On Mon, 18 Feb 2002, Mally Mclane wrote:

+ If I understand you right, this database is the from: field only? I.e. I
+ get spam from 'laaalaa@localhost, you block 'laaalaa@localhost
+ Do you not think that most spam comes from fake from: addresses?

Not only that, it also comes from forged but real addresses. And that will
be a real problem. It is true that blocking on From: addresses can be very
effective but you will most likely also put a ban on valid addresses of
people who never ever sent spam but who's (whose ?) address has been
abused as originator in spam. And yes, they abused my address a few times
so I would probably also appear on the list sooner or later ;-(

Xander (anyone interested in an enlargement program ? ;-)

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