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introducing PolSpam

Hello, I'd like to describe our efforts to combat spam,
which have grown from a private and manually handled
blacklists to an advanced system with quite high

The system http://www.polspam.org/ (sorry, now only
in Polish) is simply a database of email addresses
from which people reported spam. It's exportable to
most popular MTA blacklist formats, like badmailfrom in
Qmail etc.

Spam can be reported by anyone via email. It's then
manually added (or not) to the database by a group
of volunteer administrators and then
an immediate notification is  sent out to the subscribers,
who use that to update their blacklists.

Recent innovation was adding my heuristic spam detection
rules (http://ceti.pl/~kravietz/spamrc/spamrc.txt) to the
system, which makes the reporting much faster, requiring
more attention from the administrators however. This requires
more real-life testing, but so far the false positive rate
remains very small.

The whole project is now getting out of the alpha stage
and proving its usefulness among Polish MTA administrators.
If you were interested in joing or helping development
of the project, please write to kravietz AT aba.krakow.pl
or to the mailing list. Any suggestions and comments
are also welcome.

Paweł Krawczyk *** home: <http://ceti.pl/~kravietz/>
security: <http://ipsec.pl/>  *** fidonet: 2:486/23

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