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Re: Spamming using whois information

From Sebastian Willing, received 11/2/02, 10:42 am +0100 (GMT):

 "Any use of this material to target advertising or similar activities is
 explicitly forbidden and may be prosecuted."

From time to time, our RIPE-notification mailrobot gets spam messages. As his
 address is used nowhere, except within the Whois-DB, every spammer using this
 address had to scan the Whois-DB to get it.

 Could/would the RIPE take actions at least against these spammers?
RIPE could, but 99% of spammers have no money or assets and really don't care about the odd visit from a bailiff. So chances are it'll cost RIPE quite a bit in legal fees to nail some spammer in a Florida trailer park, only to find there's no chance of ever recouping the costs. The only value would be publicity and the hope other spammers then think twice about harvesting from RIPE.

Steve Linford
The Spamhaus Project

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