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RE: sprint

At 4:51 pm +0000 (GMT) 28/1/02, paul@localhost wrote:
 Steve Linford wrote:

 The problem left is that Sprint are incredibly slow, getting them to
 do anything about spammers with T1s (most of the spam gangs do) is
 like dragging an elephant up a hill, their lawyers need endless
 evidence. So the situation is "keep yelling at them" or they'll slow
 down again, but "don't yell too much" now as we may have cracked it
 Thanks for this. It seems that our statements are indeed true but that
 (hopefully) Sprint is acting to deal with the problem.

 I certainly won't do anything to upset the 'spam cannon disarmament
 process'. It will be interesting to see whether the legal department admits
 the problem and claims they're dealing with it or (as I suspect is more
 likely) ignore our questions and send a vague response back. I do wonder
 why, if they are dealing with the problem as you suggest, they are so
 reluctant to publicize the fact. I would have thought a simple message
 confirming the problems would have been more effective that a stonewall
 response of simply ignoring or denying the problem.
I think it's ingrained Sprint policy to never admit to anything, never mention "spam" and never talk to those dastardly anti-spammers. Sprint was a tough one, I don't know of any other US backbone that had the long-term spam problems Sprint has had and managed to completely ignore complaints for so long. All other backbones I can think of have at least an abuse desk with a desk, Sprint seemed to have used just a big trash can.

The spammers Sprint are finally in the process of kicking off are of course already set up on Qwest and CW, and SpamCop is currently pouring complaints into CW on them. I'm sure CW will ignore complaints for about another week-10 days, then the same gangs will move everything onto Qwest, there will be a fight with Qwest who'll reluctantly throw the gangs off after about 3 weeks and the whole entourage will all go to Broadwing...

Steve Linford
The Spamhaus Project

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