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DNSBL zone sbl.spamhaus.org

The SBL zone is now available at sbl.spamhaus.org

For anyone not familiar with it, the Spamhaus Block List ("SBL") is
a queryable DNS-based database of IP addresses belonging to known
spammers, spam gangs or spam support services. It's focused on static
spam sources, contains no funky stuff, relays or proxies, and has
very low 'collateral damage' (I would say "almost none" but of course
that's impossible).

The SBL list was originally incorporated in relays.osirusoft.com
and is still also available through spamhaus.relays.osirusoft.com or
relays.osirusoft.com for those using that system, but I got too many
requests from ISPs for zone transfers of the SBL zone on its own.
(also by being available only from osirusoft some users were
confusing the SBL with the anonymous SPEWS list).

sbl.spamhaus.org now has two reputable secondaries and I'm looking
for more to help spread the query/transfer load.



  Steve Linford
  The Spamhaus Project

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