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Re: test message

On Wed, Nov 14, 2001 at 11:33:28AM +0100, Piet Beertema wrote:
> >I had a long conversation with the Italian MEP pushing the opt-out 
> >legislation forward, Marco Cappato, and he explained to me that all
> [...]
> And they all must vote Forza Italia, I suppose?

Cappato belongs to the radical party.

They are well known in Italy for using spam for their electoral
campaign.  They mailed all the italian addresses they could scrap
from the web and several times.  One year ago I reported them to 
the italian personal data protection authority ("Garante")
[ http://www.nic.it/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0010&L=ANTI-SPAM&P=R3307 ] (italian)
and many others probably sent complaints.
The Garante answered positively:

The campaign was technically orchestrated by Cappato himself
[ http://www.citinv.it/articles/00/11/06/2253211.shtml ] (italian),
using a professional spamhaus located in the Treviso province.
Their usual position is that what they wanted to say was so
important that an exception to the rules should be obviously
allowed for them.

Keep in mind, when dealing with Cappato: he is the author of
one of the largest spam runs that have hit this country so far.

furio ercolessi

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