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Re: test message

At 9:10 pm +0100 (GMT) 13/11/01, Jan Meijer wrote:
 Well, you're right, what's going on is pretty grim. I had a long
 conversation with the Italian MEP pushing the opt-out legislation
 forward, Marco Cappato, and he explained to me that all users could
 avoid spam simply by looking at the message Subject before downloading
 it. I told him the Subject field wasn't part of the SMTP protocol so the
 spam had to be received before seeing the Subject and he said that's not
 true because on his Hotmail account he can see the Subject without
 downloading the message... He said all ISPs must provide the same system
 Hotmail has. (including that ISPs must filter spam into a separate
 folder like Hotmail does)
 Would you not just want to ... him?  The incompetence is astonishing :(
    Try to suggest everyone should be driving a Volvo, because they're so
 safe.  No way anyone would support that ;).

 Does anyone know of any Dutch MEPs supporting the opt-out legislation?
Somebody posted the list of all the MEPs supporting opt-out, including their email addresses, to the SPAM-L list. It doesn't say which countries they represent but here's a copy anyway:

euro_office@localhost Mr Graham R. WATSON, UK
(no email) Mr Robert J.E. EVANS
(no email) On. Enrico FERRI
cdu-csu@localhost Herr Bernd POSSELT
(no email) Mr Niall ANDREWS
(no email) Sig.Ra Roberta ANGELILLI
(no email) Mrs Mary Elizabeth BANOTT
cvonboetticher@localhost Herr Christian Ulrik von BOETTICHER
(no email) Mme Alima BOUMEDIENE-THIERY
mcamre@localhost Hr. Mogens N.J. CAMRE
mcappato@localhost On. Marco CAPPATO
mcashman@localhost Mr Michael CASHMAN
(no email) Fru Charlotte CEDERSCHIÖLD
Ceyhun.mdep@localhost Herr Ozan CEYHUN
mail@localhost Sr. Carlos COELHO
(no email) M. Thierry CORNILLET
(no email) On. Marcello DELL'UTRI
gdeprez@localhost M. Gérard M.J. DEPREZ
(no email) On. Giuseppe DI LELLO FINUOLI
sfpefr@localhost Fru Pernille FRAHM
dhannan@localhost Mr Daniel J. HANNAN
ahazan@localhost Mme Adeline HAZAN
(no email) Sr. Jorge Salvador HERNÁNDEZ MOLLAR
(no email) Ka. Anna KARAMANOU
(no email) Frau Margot KESSLER
timothy@localhost Mr Timothy KIRKHOPE
cdu-csu@localhost Frau Eva KLAMT
Ole.Krarup@localhost Hr. Ole KRARUP
sludfordmep@localhost Baroness Sarah LUDFORD
hnassauer@localhost Herr Hartmut NASSAUER
(no email) Sig.Ra Elena Ornella PACIOTTI
oeaab-ktn@localhost Herr Hubert PIRKER
(no email) Herr Gerhard SCHMID
(no email) Herr Martin SCHULZ
psorensen@localhost Mevr. Patsy SÖRENSEN
(no email) Sr. Sérgio SOUSA PINTO
(no email) Mevr. Joke SWIEBEL
(no email) M. Fodé SYLLA
aterron@localhost Sra. Anna TERRÓN i CUSÍ
(no email) De Heer Frank VANHECKE
(no email) On. Gianni VATTIMO
maberger@localhost Frau Maria BERGER
jblokland@localhost De Heer Johannes (Hans) BLOKLAND
(no email) On. Mario BORGHEZIO
(no email) Mevr. Kathalijne Maria BUITENWEG
psedeleges@localhost Sra. Carmen CERDEIRA MORTERERO
adpietro@localhost On. Antonio DI PIETRO
oduhamel@localhost M. Olivier DUHAMEL
penny_richardson@localhost Mr Glyn FORD
(no email) Sr. Gerardo GALEOTE QUECEDO
(no email) On. Giuseppe GARGANI
egebhardt@localhost Frau Evelyne GEBHARDT
ehedkvist@localhost Fru Ewa HEDKVIST PETERSEN
rimbeni@localhost On. Renzo IMBENI
tjeanpierre@localhost M. Thierry B. JEAN-PIERRE
europabuero.pds@localhost Frau Sylvia-Yvonne KAUFMANN
(no email) M. Alain KRIVINE
gmep2@localhost Mrs Jean LAMBERT
jelambert@localhost Herr Kurt LECHNER
(no email) Herr Klaus-Heiner LEHNE
(no email) Hr. Torben LUND
(no email) Ka. Minerva Melpomeni MALLIORI
(no email) On. Lucio MANISCO
(no email) M. Jean-Charles MARCHIANI
lmarinho@localhost Sr. Luís MARINHO
imendezdevigo@localhost Sr. Íńigo MÉNDEZ DE VIGO
(no email) On. Francesco MUSOTTO
(no email) Sr. Juan Andrés NARANJO ESCOBAR
wnewton@localhost Mr William Francis NEWTON DUNN
mauronobilia@localhost On. Mauro NOBILIA
oostlander@localhost De Heer Arie M. OOSTLANDER
apalacio@localhost Sra. Ana PALACIO VALLELERSUNDI
martine.roure.deputee@localhost Mme Martine ROURE
(no email) Sig.Ra Amalia SARTORI
cdu-csu@localhost Herr Ingo SCHMITT
(no email) On. Maurizio TURCO
avanlancker@localhost Mevr. Anne E.M. VAN LANCKER
(no email) M. Alexandre VARAUT
(no email) Mme Dominique VLASTO
(no email) Herr Johannes VOGGENHUBER

The pattern in the @europarl.eu.int addresses:
Initial Surname ==> isurname@localhost

Steve Linford
The Spamhaus Project

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