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Re: use of abuse@........

On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 10:36:52AM +0100, Rodney Tillotson wrote:
> My impression is that the presence and the effect of an 'abuse'
> address to the left of the '@localhost are less of an issue than the
> difficulty of working out which domain name to put after '@localhost --
> which the other current thread on this list is discussing.

Derek Balling, who set up the rfc-ignorant.org site, concluded
that RFC2142 requires every domain with an active mail service to 
have an abuse address pointing to the proper place handling abuse 
issues for that domain.
It seems excessive to me in a world where anybody and his cat
get a domain, but I report his view for completeness
( http://www.rfc-ignorant.org/ , Listing Policy: abuse).

furio ercolessi

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