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RE: Abuse address attribute in RIPE whois?


I think the point here was people and automated programs don't use these
fields either, they look at the changed attribute which has an e-mail
address in it, tech-c and admin-c don't have e-mails just a RIPE handle.
We use a role object in most of our tech-c attributes and we create a
new person object for our customers which we put into the admin-c.
People seem to ignore these and the e-mails in the person and role
objects, they also ignore the remarks or descriptions on the role object
asking for abuse to be sent to our abuse address.

The other problem with extracting the e-mail from admin-c and tech-c is
that these may not be the people who are responsible for abuse issues,
an abuse-c field would be ideal. A role object could be created pointing
people to our abuse team rather than to our support or engineering

I think most automated programs look things up in the radb database
rather than the specific registry whois databases so the db people and
maybe other RIR's need to be informed/agree etc on this.



On 21 Aug 2001 21:59:06 +0100, Robin cragg wrote:
> Hi,
> Perhaps I'm missing something, but I thought that the inetnum objects
> had tech-c and admin-c fields so that a contact had to be listed who was
> responsible for the IP addresses in question. I know that originally
> this was for the internet routing of the IP block, rather than the
> actions of one server in the IP range, but surely this is what an on
> site administrative contact is there to investigate? I am listed as a
> tech-c for our customer's IP blocks and when their servers are used as
> open relays, I receive automated emails from Spamcop. I then get the
> relays fixed. Surely we don't also need an abuse-c field to make things
> work? Wouldn't it be easier just to make people adopt RFC2142, which
> specifies the use of email addresses such as abuse@localhost 
> Robin

Rob Woodward.
Senior Technical Specialist
Cable & Wireless UK IP GSOC - Network Reliability Team.

Nobody ever forgets where he buried the hatchet.
		-- Kin Hubbard

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