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Re: Opt-out ? we do know the "bounce" command...

Piet Beertema wrote:

    >I expect a number of MEPs to be interested in freedom of speach,
    >and spam-fighting tends to infringe the freedom of speach right.
On the short term they may be right. On the long term though
spam may well get such a serious problem that it might more
or less grind all e-mail communication to a halt, and thus
drastically impart freedom of speech as a "side-effect".

Which is exactly what I meant :). Unless the problem of spam is tackled and made manageble (payed for by the spammers would be a nice start..) freedom of speach will in the end suffer dramatically. And I for that matter would not want that to happen and I hope there are a number of true democratic (yes, young & naieve..) politicians who agree.


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