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Re: UUnet security response team

On 31/01/2001 at 17:19:12, Anne Marcel wrote:
:  What were the issues that you tried to raise over the phone?

Erm, let me think...

Once because someone was using our customers addresses as the Reply-To
address and the junk mail was being sent to thousands of non-existent
email addresses, resulting in an abundance of bounced messages for our

The other time, someone was forging our customers hostnames as the
original posting machines.

Both times we had already sent formal email complaints to UUNet and
instructed our customers to do the same (and also the original

:On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, James Hoddinott wrote:
:> :I've not had to use this in anger yet, so if anyone else tries it first then 
:> :let me know how you got on.
:> I have called UUNet USA on a couple of occasions, both times the Abuse bod
:> was very calm and polite but the general gist of their conversation was
:> "Please send your complaints via email and we will investigate".

James Hoddinott     | Team Leader, AUP Liaison Team | Demon Internet
jamesh@localhost    |        abuse@localhost        |  www.demon.net
+44 (0)20 8371 1119 |      +44 (0)20 8371 1160      |       Thus Plc

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