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Re: [off-topc] ISP responsibility, was Re: European DB-law was: Re: SpamWhack

In article <20010122213030.Y276@localhost>, Sico Bruins
sico@localhost writes
>Plus, it's very UK centered, which is evidenced by the fact that
>it references the infamous IWF and that "It is expected that ISPs would follow
>their lead" when referring to "IWF's approach".

The basic principles apply to many countries; note that the Council of
Europe Cybercrime Convention seeks to criminalise Child Pornography
everywhere, for example, and although there may be clear solution
there's certainly been an "issue" with regard content and Yahoo France.

The IWF model is spreading, see http://www.inhope.org
            Roland Perry | tel: +44 1733 207705 | roland@localhost
             Interim CEO | fax: +44 1733 207729 | http://www.linx.net
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