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Agenda for RIPE 38 anti-spam WG

Agenda for anti-spam WG at RIPE 38, January 2001

DRAFT 17 Jan 2001, which will be printed in the meeting programme.

Please send suggestions or comments to the list or to me,
or ask for other items at the meeting.

Rodney Tillotson, JANET-CERT

1. Administrivia
1.1 Introductions
1.2 Note taker
1.3 Agree agenda

2. Update
2.1 Recent list discussion
2.2 Developments in spam
2.3 Developments in anti-spam
2.4 Open relay products

3. Advice
3.1 opt-IN lists (work item)
3.2 opt-OUT
3.3 Reporting spam

4. Technical measures
4.1 Filtering

5. Interaction with CERTs
5.1 Reading mail headers (work item)

6. AOB

7. Next meeting agenda

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