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Some pointers

Sent _very_ shortly before the WG meeting in Amsterdam;
my apologies, but I realized there were quite a lot of URLs
which we are likely to mention today.

Apologies too for using Hotmail. My real address is in the Cc:.



The use of mailing lists:
MAPS http://mail-abuse.org/maps/manage.html
JANET http://www.ja.net/mail/junk/save/lists.html
Chip Rosenthal http://users.laserlink.net/~chip/e-marketing.html
Jakob Neilsen http://www.useit.com/alertbox/20000820.html
(unusual approach)
ClickZ http://www.clickz.com/cgi-bin/gt/article.html?article=1595
(archived article)

Reporting spam:
MAPS http://mail-abuse.org/rbl/notifyfaq.html
abuse.net http://abuse.net/

Reading headers:
KPN http://www.kpnbelgium.be/support/Support.asp?ID=3&SupportID=48
stopspam.org http://www.stopspam.org/email/headers/headers.html

JANET's systematic search for open relays:


Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

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