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Re: Minutes of RIPE 36 Anti-spam WG

On Tue, 23 May 2000, Paul Mansfield wrote:

> I presume therefore that people believe that ORBS are not in fact holding back
> data for thirty days?

For the first 30 days you're only in the DNS zones, and not on the downloadable
archive files they have on their website.

But the 30 days hardly matters. I report a bunch of sites to the ORBS checker, 
and after 30 days a new list of relaying mail servers is presented to me to 
start spamming. And like ORBS says, those that are left open after that time, 
will very likely have no sysadmin to look after the siite, so it becomes a 
very good target to abuse for relaying spam.

Like ORBS says on the above URL:

"This data is published to allow people to see which IPs have been detected 
 and which hosts remain insecure after a month has passed. Perhaps there is 
 an open relay here which you may be able to help close".

Though I don't think using the server as relay was the preferred way of 
helping it close it down :)

Paul "staticly blocked" Wouters :)

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