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RE: Expertise for spam


The decision as to whether it is spam or not should be your own, as he is
your customer. A defintion can be found at:



mally mclane
=>hostmaster/core systems
=>for the Planet Online, Leeds, UK
=>mally@localhost <> www.theplanet.net
=>t: +44(0)1132076624 <> m: +44(0)7776152715 

-----Original Message-----
From: Yuriz [
] Sent: 25 April 2000 05:08 Subject: Expertise for spam Dear Sirs! I'm representing STC Energy - our company is member of RIPE NCC as LIR (ua.stcenergy). As Internet Services Provider we have a wide range customers of any kind. We received some quantity of complaints which concerns the e-mail messages (see below) which were sent in great quantities (around 100,000) by our customer. Please, can you tell me - is this client's message spam or not? If yes, then what we must to as ISP? Please, answer as soon as possible - because we very need in your expertise. I'll be very grateful for your help! Best regards, Yuri Zlenko YZ42-RIPE STC Energy ----- Original Message ----- From: Egor Korzh To: yuriz@localhost Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 2:24 PM Subject: Fw: webstocksurvey newsletter __ WBR, Egor Korzh, system engineer/administrator of STC Energy network +380 (44) 229 6074 ----- Original Message ----- From: Carl F. Woods To: abuse@localhost ; postmaster@localhost ; postmaster@localhost Cc: enforcement@localhost ; uce@localhost Sent: Friday, April 21, 2000 5:35 PM Subject: Fw: webstocksurvey newsletter [(unsolicited stock tout scam?) spam] ----- Original Message ----- From: webstocksurvey To: WEBSTOCKSURVEY2@localhost Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2000 11:32 AM Subject: webstocksurvey newsletter WebStockSurvey.com Welcome to our new and old WebStockSurvey.com subscribers. If you are a new subscriber and have received this email, please be aware that you have been added to the WebStockSurvey.com preferred newsletter list. We are still researching several companies for our future profile, planned for release soon. As a preferred subscriber, you will receive the WebStockSurvey.com newsletter, sent to you before the information is released to the general investing public. The WebStockSurvey.com newsletter seeks out Buy Recommendations and Research Reports that have recently been issued by investment analysts. In the past, we have profiled some companies. In spite of the NASDAQ 30% meltdown, that wiped billions of dollars of value out of the market, our picks performed well and remain strong. We remain very excited about our last profile on GNNU and encourage you to take a closer look. The following is a list of the companies profiled and their performances. 21 Dec, '99, Hytek Microsystems (HTEK) @ $2.00. High since profiled: $15.00 Gain: 650% 18 Jan, '00, Tricord Systems Inc. (TRCD) @ $4.625.High since profiled: $18.00Gain: 290% 4 Feb, '00, Global Network Inc. (GNNU) @ $1.75. High since profiled: $ 9.875Gain: 460% Once again, it is the goal of WebStockSurvey.com to bring you Buy Recommendations and Research Reports on publicly traded companies that have recently been issued by investment analysts. 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DISCLAIMER WebStockSurvey.com is available exclusively to qualified Investors. WebStockSurvey.com is not registered as a broker-dealer or an investment adviser and, as such, is not subject to regulation by the securities and exchange commission, the National Association of Securities Dealers, or any similar regulatory authority. WebStockSurvey.com does not deal, or make markets, in any securities. The information and opinions herein are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a recommendation or offer to sell, or a solicitation to buy, securities of any issuer brokers, dealers, investment advisers and other financial intermediaries are encourages to conduct their own independent investigation regarding the companies and securities discussed herein. WebStockSurvey.com specifically disclaims any liability for losses that may be incurred by persons trading in the securities herein. 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The types of companies covered by WebStockSurvey.com are usually high risk investments and should not be entered into without research and information beyond that found on the WebStockSurvey.com. Investing in small and micro-cap securities is highly speculative and it is possible that an Investor's investment might be lost or lessened due to the speculative nature of these companies. These companies could have inherent volatility and, therefore, the volumes traded might not accurately reflect the volume of business being done by the company. WebStockSurvey.com also informs that the electronic dissemination of the company news report could influence volume and/or price movements in the company featured. WebStockSurvey.com assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, WebStockSurvey.com does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Investors should use the information contained in this report as a starting point for conducting their own research and due diligence on the featured company in order to allow the Investor to form his or her own opinion regarding the featured company. All statements contained herein are deemed to be factual as of the date of this report and as such are subject to change without notice. The Securities and Exchange Commission has developed extensive information concerning on-line investing which can be found at the SEC's web site at http://www.sec.gov., and the NASD has its own web site on related matters at http://www.nasd.com. StockInvestor. com offers this service free of charge to its subscribers in order to grow its subscriber base. Although WebStockSurvey.com does not currently charge its subscribers, it may in the future consider charging subscribers for this service. In the event WebStockSurvey.com decides to charge a fee for this service, it will promptly notify its subscribers in accordance with any and all applicable internet international laws as well any and all applicable federal and state securities laws and/or regulations. Further, the innformation contained on WebStockSurvey.com has not been reviewed by WebStockSurvey.com for accuracy, nor has WebStockSurvey.com conducted any due diligance to verify, in whole or part, any representation. Similarly, WebStockSurvey.com does not opine as to whether any company or any company's securities may or may not constitute a suitable or appropriate investment for Investors in general, or for any specific Investor. Safe Harbor Disclosure This newsletter contains or incorporates by reference "forward-looking statements," including certain information with respect to plans and strategies of the featured company For this purpose, any statements contained herein or incorporated herein by reference that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Without limiting the forgoing, the words "believe(s)," "anticipate(s)," "plan(s)," "expect(s)," "project(s)" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. There are a number of important factors that could cause actual events or actual results of the Company herein discussed to differ materially from these indicated by such forward-looking statements.

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