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This package could be interesting:


"SAUCE (Software Against Unsolicited Commercial Email) is an SMTP server 
that sits between the Internet and your actual mail software. It was 
originally written to help in the fight against spam, but it also helps 
encourage good configuration and administration in general".

Best regards, 
Jesus Sanz de las Heras         	E-mail: jesus.heras@localhost
RedIRIS/CSIC                            Tel:	+34 91 585 51 38
Serrano 142                             Fax:    +34 91 585 51 46
E-28006 Madrid		      		
SPAIN                      Coordinador correo electronico
                           Coordinador Servicio Listas de distribucion
- Red Academica y Científica española (http://www.rediris.es/mail/) -

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