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Re: Current state of EU ruling

On Mon, 6 Sep 1999 19:09:11 +0200 (CEST), "Kurt Jaeger" pi@localhost

> Hi!
> See 
> 	http://europa.eu.int/comm/dg15/en/media/eleccomm/eleccomm.htm
> specially the 'opt-out' ruling suggested, see copy below. My $DEITY.
> -----------
> o unsolicited commercial communications by e-mail (article 7) - Member
>   States would be obliged to ensure that opt-out registers were
>   made available to consumers and consulted regularly by service
>   providers undertaking such unsolicited commercial communications.
>   This opens up a pragmatic and workable solution to the problem
>   of unsolicited commercial communications without prejudice to
>   existing Directives.
> -----------

This is a description of Article 7 as amended by Parliament at the first
reading in May.  It is only meant to apply in places where "opt-in" has not
already been adopted.  Austria, Finland, Germany, and Italy are "opt-in",
as it happens, and may be joined by Denmark, the Netherlands, and Sweden.

This official espousal of the "Robinson List" principle constitutes an
admission on the part of Parliament and Commission that "individual"
opt-out cannot work.  Have a look at our website
http://www.euro.cauce.org/en/index.html#situation for a discussion of the
issues complete with texts (quotes and links).

Confucius say, 
"Great man does what is moral, small man does only what is profitable."
Do what is moral, help stop junk email, support CAUCE: http://www.cauce.org
EuroCAUCE: http://www.euro.cauce.org or CAUBE.AU http://www.caube.org.au

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