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Re: Hate Email and how to combat it outside the U.S.?

>But here you have it, the test-trial and the dilemma the anonimize site

  Along a quite different line, but maybe interesting nonetheless?
  A few days ago I read a brief report about an Austrian court ruling 
  that explicitely *forbids* using a phone-call to obtain permission for
  phone-based marketing/advertising. This permission has to be obtained 
  by other means.
  This has a background in Austrian legislation which explicitely
  disallows transmitting unsolicited (commercial/adv) messages by
  facsimile or phone to destinations or peers, unless there is an
  on-going business relationship or explicit permission to use that
  communications channel has been obtained.
  In fact this implements opt-in rules as opposed to opt-out, I think.

  I would expect (and hope) that this ruling would stand in a UCE case as
  Wilfried Woeber                :  e-mail: Woeber@localhost
  Computer Center - ACOnet       :  Tel: +43 1 4277 - 140 33
  Vienna University              :  Fax: +43 1 4277 - 9 140
  Universitaetsstrasse 7         :  RIPE-DB (&NIC) Handle: WW144
  A-1010 Vienna, Austria, Europe :  PGP public key ID 0xF0ACB369

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