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Re: Administrative Overheads Arising from UCE

On Thu, 18 Feb 1999 15:08:56 GMT, Richard Kettlewell writes:
>Alexander Zangerl writes:
>> Swa Frantzen writes:
>>> The ones that have an open relay are more ignarant or too trusting in
>>> their vendor. They are NOT evil.
>> they are dumb and that's even worse than being evil.
>In some cases they might just be overworked and under-resourced, a
>point a former <something>.ac.uk sysadmin of my acquaintance often
>made, usually while extremely frustrated.

overworked & under-resourced holds true for most of us sysadmins,
but that's no excuse for not fixing a problem that dire as a wide-open
relay (IMnsHO).


++ Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Zangerl ++ EUnet tech staff ++
++ A.Zangerl@localhost               NIC AZ163 ++
++ Phone +43-1-899 33-0        Fax +43-1-899 33-533 ++

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