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Re: automated spam detection

Piet Beertema wrote:
>     There is also a constitutional protection of ownership.
> Ownership of what?

anything that have cost you money or may cost money (machines, time of
work, etc.).

>     Any unwanted mail violates this, in other words it is theft.
> If you mean that it steals resources, then I agree
> with you about the principle, not about the legal
> implication that you can sue the perpetrator for

Of course I ment the principle. But there are consequences to this:
there is a strong need for laws that give victims the possibility to
sue a spammer as you have experienced yourself. Have asked your
parliamentarian what he has done about this recently? ;-)

>     Sending bulks of unwanted mails in these terms is a seveire
>     theft since it produces costs of many thousands Euro.
> And how many zillions of euro's are wasted on news
> articles that people download and regard as crap
> after reading them? Is that theft or an "acceptable
> consequence" of reading news?

Regarding news, there is a similar problem, it appears on irc,
too. Any electronical communication, that may produce mentionable
amounts of cost on a receipient is of the same subject (just legal stuff).

>     Banning the sending of unrequested bulk-mailings is banning
>     of theft.
> Is bulk mailing spam by definition?
> When is a mailing a bulk mailing?

Really difficult. Am I sending a bulk email when sending a mail to
a mentionable amount of students I met during some years of studies?
Of course, when I ask them to meet and just sit together speaking
about those times, I don't think, that is bad, but what about asking
them to by something at my new shop? - And worse: what about asking
them to meet at my new shop?

One first try:
- more than one receipient and originator trys to stay anonymous.
- using resources of third parties without any kind of permission
  (lack of configuration is no permission at all).
- sending to receipients without any kind of permission (mailaddress
  found on public Database is no permission except for usage in
  terms of means of that database)
- sending to public mailinglist some contents without any regards or
  totally contrary to the purpose of that list


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