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Re: Administrative Overheads Arising from UCE

    there are a few problems with ORBS:
    - they do NOT warn responsible people about the fact they are now
If postmaster is not responsible, then who is?

    - they seem have a very bad open relay test,
Seem, eh? Do you have hard evidence?

    - they do not remove a blacklisted site after a given amount of time
If they would, they would need to *regularly poll*
the hosts. BC Tel, for one, considered that to be
a violation of their AUP.

    - they are rather obscure, even this lists readers don;t seem to know
      all where to find them.
Why would that mean that they are obscure?
    most (not open) relay servers of ISP's are on ORBS and it's nearly
    impossible to keep it off, as soon as you have one of your thousands
    of emails flagged by somebody as unwanted the ISP relay ends up on
    the list without any warning.
Once again: please provide hard evidence.
    Any good technical implementation has to (IMHO)
    - keep into account number of mails passed on the server without problems
    - have a 24/7 manned operation to get immediate removals
      (yes, manned, so that you can call them)
You can't call them in the first place. Which isn't
really surprising, given the number of threats they
already received.
Why should an open relay be allowed for days, weeks,
years, and removal from the blacklist happen within
an eye's wink?

    - have a decent website associated with it at a stable URL
They have.

    - have "sensors" all over the world to notice spam in progress and stop
      it at that time, not afterwards.
Ah yes, Utopia is still alive in many a mind...


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