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Re: Administrative Overheads Arising from UCE

    It doesn't look fair to me.  Since they put one (open) relay automatically
    on the black list and of course they notify the hostmaster, it will be
    to check again from time to time if the problem was fixed
a) The *original* procedure was an automated search for open
   relays, but this was later changed to verification of reports
   about open relays; that's still the procedure.
b) It's not ORBS's responsibility to verify that relays are no
   longer open: that's for the full 100% the responsibility of
   the administrators of that host.
c) Anyone is free to use or not use ORBS. 

    The right procedure for me is that IF a complain is received, the owner of
    the system to be notified to fix the problem and if after the given grace
    period he didn't fix the problem to proceed to black list the open relay.
Wrong too: the problem of open relays is not something new; it's
well known and fixes are available, so any administrator can since
long have closed his open relay(s). Furthermore, any open relay is
a SERIOUS THREAT to all of the Internet. Friendly approaches are
highly inappropriate: "first shoot, then talk" is the only correct
approach here.


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