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Re: Proposed EU Directive on Electronic Commerce

> > Agreed. Would *you* dare to come up with a global
> > scheme for 'sender pays' charging though?
> If we had "sender pays" we would not have this discussion..

Correct. The only reason why mail spam and also UCE was declared "not 
allowed" in Italy is due to the fact they they COST REAL MONEY to the 
recipients. It was not a matter of generic moral princilpes: it was just 
evident that any received message, of whichever kind, costs the recipient 
real money (connection time, telephone/ISDN charges, volume traffic, 
local resources use, user's time,...) and thus any unwanted message was 
an economical damage to the recipient. Exactly like receiving tons of
unwanted faxes costs paper, fax machine usage, etc.


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