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Re: Proposed EU Directive on Electronic Commerce

Hi Ragnar,

> Anyhow, as you yourself stated, there's no harm making the use of
> keywords possible in the spec. If they are useful in reality, however,
> remains to be seen.

True. Of course, since it's a one-shot game, I think we'll need to be real
cautious so that the option isn't misunderstood. Easy thing to happen when
you're dealing with the legislative bodies of 15 different countries :-)

Sorry about the rather animated reaction; whenever someone suggests labelling,
little alarm bells go off in my head!

>> Negotiating the preferences of the user is a duty that must directly
>> involve the sender of the message.
> That's a point. Why should we accept all the work when it should be placed
> on the shoulders of the spammers/advertisers by principle?  I myself think
> we're more or less stuck with doing other people's work and that all of
> this is really just damage control. But I might be wrong, of course.

It's not even so much the principle, just the fact that the MTA is a massively
inefficient place to do this work. Yeah, we're stuck with it. As a compromise,
we should probably offer a yes/no decision as close to the sender
as we can get it (hence my sudden reversal on X-headers). I *hope* it'll be
enough to alleviate the problem.

All the best,

----------------------------------- dave.wilson@localhost  Dave Wilson, HEA-NOC
HEAnet Limited, Marine House, Clanwilliam Court, Dublin 2  ph.  +353-1-662 3412

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