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Re: Proposed EU Directive on Electronic Commerce

OK, we have different opinions on the number of people that will refrain
from sending UCE if there are laws against it and we have agreed that
an ISP can filter away with the risk of losing customers. I don't think
we'll get much further than that.


On Fri, 15 Jan 1999, Piet Beertema wrote:

>     	     Does failure to reach 100% mean that nothing
> 	     should be done ?
>     	 Does expected failure to reach 0.000001%
>     	 justify the efforts?
>     But that is not my expectation
> It is mine.
>     I see nothing that prevents the ISP from saying,
>     up front, "*all* received mail with "X-UCE: yes"
>     will be deleted undelivered".
> That's up to an ISP. Just as it is up to
> an ISP to scare off or loose customers.
> 	Piet

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