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Re: Proposed EU Directive on Electronic Commerce

Claudio Allocchio +39 040 3758523 said:
> there is one point which I do not see in this discussion:

Then read more carefully.

> the vast majority of actual spammers WILL NEVER do anything to identify 
> their spam messages: on the contrary they are trying to do anything 
> possible to hide themselves, and to have their messages delivered anywhere.

Indeed. However, they are not the only ones.

> thus, could we please land again on planet Earth, and forget about how to 
> convince professional killers that they should weare a black t-shirt with 
> a red sentence stating "I'm a killer, beware"?

In this country advertisements for premium phone numbers are required (by
the telcos acting through ICSTIS) to carry certain information. That
doesn't stop people handing out leaflets with the numbers omitting that
information, but it places a useful curb on that proportion of the market
that wishes to stay legal but still use obnoxious techniques.

Why do you seem to be objecting to our working to that end ?

Clive D.W. Feather       | Email: clive@localhost   | Tel: +44 1733 705000
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