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Re: People forging their From: addresses

    Please dont believe that i disagree about figthing SPAM..
I'm not saying I don't believe you. I'm just saying
that there is no point in reporting open relays to
any blackhole list unless a vast majority of the
Internet community (including those who report!)
does actually use those blackhole lists.

    I'm just not sure that rbl is the best way to go in all cases..
There simply is no "best way in all cases".
    We had a customer that was connected for incoming mail via SMTP
    and outgoing via UUCP. ( strange config..;-) 
That's a bug, not a config. :-)
    I guess that regarding relay problem the X.400 world actually
    has something to learn the SMTP world.. The sender normally pays..
This issue has been discussed at length ages ago.
Changing the whole SMTP world is not an option.


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