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Re: People forging their From: addresses

> >    1)	If DNS really returns "NonExistant Domain"
> >	you MAY return 5xx.
>   ...and you might want to think twice or check more than once :-)
>   In the (not so rare) cases where *all* NS servers for a certain domain
>   are lost for a while (e.g. due to connetivity problems), you would then
>   bounce perfectly valid mail.

But surely the return from DNS here is not "No such domain" but "Timeout". 
Easily distinguishable surely?


Nigel Titley  --- BTnet
E-mail: Nigel.Titley@localhost            Tel: +44 1992 897008
"Well I'm disenchanted too, we're all disenchanted." (James Thurber)

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