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RE: Response to address mining report

>   Dear Mr. Wilson,
> I don't like your idea of posting my private email on a RIPE list without
>  asking me first. :(

Here's what you said in your mail of 21st Sep:

	freemail.c3.hu is a Hungarian free email service (similar to Hotmail),
	which allows anyone to open an email account without human control. We
	cannot investigate or sanction the mail activity of our users, even if they
	are involved in actions which are against the netiquette. 

... which doesn't indicate a responsible attitude to control of network abuse.

>  Meanwhile - with the help of your second email (which I got twice) - we
>  found the identity of the user and will take the necessary steps against him.

Glad to hear it.
> As a freemail operator we HAVE TO be serious about anti-spam measures and
>  we actively monitor the relevant issues. We have several limitations within
>  our system to prevent outgoing spamming and have a hard time with the
>  amount of incoming spams. We kindly ask you to close your security hole as
>  well, which is a listserv with open review functionality. 

If you regard features such as 'review' as security holes, you are trying to 
deny freedom and normal levels of service to users.  It is unfortunate that
such attitudes persist; their logical conclusion is that existence on the 
same planet as the anonymous users of your service is a 'security hole'.
If so, while most people will chose to remain on the Internet, you might like
to consider the position of your clientele.

Mike Norris

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