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Re: Getting open smtp servers fixed

    	The spammer can still use the smarthost (much as if they were using an
    	open relay, of course) but you by forcing all the mail through a
    	single point the ISP can more easily detect the spammer early on.
    I agree that control at the IP (well, TCP) level is very attractive
    and have a strong dislike of keyword-based message rejection.
Keyword-based message rejection can be circumvented by
sending PGP-encrypted messages, since PGP public keys
are public by definition. Use of PGP isn't commonplace
today, but that may change. But spammers exploiting PGP
may well pose a threat to [the use of] PGP itself. I'm
obviously not speaking about "Big Brother countries"
where [PGP-] encryption is illegal.

    I don't think much would break if an ISP 'grabbed' all outbound port 25
    packets and redirected them to its mail relay. [SMTP AUTH?]
Iff this is clearly stated in the contracts, an ISP can
do so. Few -if any- contracts will state this though.


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