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Re: ORBS ?

>     	    The other alternative is that ISPs start dealing with this.
>     	Sure, but not by blackholing, but by *cutting off*
>     	customers completely until they [promise to] behave
>     	according to the ISP's AUP.
>     Depends on the nature of the crime as to whether
>     they should be instantly cut off.
> Mark, in many countries spam is not a crime,

Sorry I should have put "crime" in quotes, in some peoples eyes it's a
crime.  I didn't mean to imply that the act of spamming itself is
illegal (I wish :)


Mark Lowes hamster@localhost			http://hamster.wibble.org/
Wibble.org					http://www.wibble.org/
Lspace.org					http://www.lspace.org/

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