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Re: ORBS ?

    	    could RIPE try to organize any iniciative similar into europeans
    	    countries or could be CENAR the place to define this kind of
    	    iniciatives ?
    	In whichever forum the initiative is taken, it
    	is doomed to fail or not have much effect unless
    	the conclusions/results/advices are implemented
    	on a truly *global* scale. And unfortunately that
    	is wishful thinking.
    I disagree. The intiative per se, ORBS, MAPS RBL,
    what_have_you, is doomed to *SUCCEED*!!!
They may succeed on the short term, but not on
the long term, especially not when more and more
ISP's start to BGP-block networks, as you're in
fact indicating yourself:

    It will have as side effect that soon we will no
    longer be able to exchange email in a useful fashion:
Which is exactly why the "solution" will fail on
the long term.
    Please folks, don't do this or Internet mail will vanish.
Internet mail won't vanish just because of spam.
But keep the anti-spam measures where they belong:
on the receiving hosts, with clear errormessages
indicating the reason/source for blocking.
    Feel free to blackhole me or my entire network/organization
    if you see no other way of making me shut up (ooops :-)
Good suggestion. :-)
    but do that based on YOUR OWN judgement, not on centralized
    methods that may not have any un-blackhole facility.
Centralized methods aren't bad per se. except when
used for real blackholing.
    And, please let me know what and why and try to keep some
    channel open where I can confess my sin.
That's the whole problem with blackholing and even
with blocking smtp ports: on a receiving host you
can let e.g. mail to postmaster or from postmaster
"bypass" your anti-spam measures. With blackholing
and smtp port blocking you can't.


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