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Re: ORBS ?

    But if black lists philosophy seems to be one of the best
    (or the only) way to try solve one part of this problem
It's certainly not a *solution* for the problem,
just one of the ways to try to fight it. And all
these 'global' approaches can have unwanted side
effects, like loss of connectivity to sites that
*you* may want to have/keep connectivity to, but
that happen to be blacklisted in one of those
'global' databases that *you* have no control
over whatsoever!

    could RIPE try to organize any iniciative similar into europeans
    countries or could be CENAR the place to define this kind of
    iniciatives ?
In whichever forum the initiative is taken, it
is doomed to fail or not have much effect unless
the conclusions/results/advices are implemented
on a truly *global* scale. And unfortunately that
is wishful thinking.


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