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Draft Agenda for WG meeting at RIPE31

Here is the latest agenda for the Anti-Spam working group meeting for
RIPE31.  If there are no further comments then I will send this to the RIPE
NCC as the final WG agenda.


----- ___                       - James Aldridge, Senior Network Engineer,
---- /    /   /  ___  ____ _/_ -- EUnet Communications Services BV
--- /--- /   / /   / /___/ /  --- Singel 540, 1017 AZ Amsterdam, NL
-- /___ /___/ /   / /___  /_ ---- Tel: +31 20 530 5327; Fax: +31 20 622 4657
-                           ----- 24hr emergency number: +31 20 421 0865

RIPE31 Anti-Spam Working Group Agenda

Wednesday, 23rd September 14:00

	D R A F T   -   S U B J E C T   T O   C H A N G E

1.	Administrivia
	- Appointment of Scribe
	- Agenda Bashing

2.	Reports from the front:
	- Current problems, major incident reports, etc
	- Current "solutions" in use, etc
	- Dealing with the "roaming" customer

3.1.	Code of Conduct for ISPs:
	- Customer Terms and Conditions/AUP/...
	- Response to incident reports
	- No open mail relays (coordination of search and destroy mission!)
	- ...

3.2.	Centre for European Network Abuse Resolution (CENAR):
	- General discussion

4.	Summary of work on other fronts
	- IETF RUN Working Group
	- ORBS (?)

5.	I/O with other RIPE WGs

6.	AOB

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